Yesterday we sunk a barrel. filled it with stones and attached a buoy
to it. Stefan Barbara and me wanted to guide it from the boat to the
bottom at 10 m depth but , again , it did not work out as planned: the
barrel sunk like a stone, stefan had ear problems and had to resurface
after 3 meters so me and Barbara had to do the job. after lifting
heavy stones into the barrel at the bottom I got a cramp as well. We
are now however able to attach the boat to a buoy. This will make
diving from the boat easier. Ear problems are getting more frequent as
the dives accumulate but the moral is high and jokes are getting
We had the opportunity to observe termites building nest around the
lodge, as well as unfortunalty in the toilet hut. A scolopender
sneaked into Katas bed (she heroically chased it out while I was
sleeping and did not hear a thing) and the roaches are getting bigger.
I have a ant highway passing my pillow ( I won't miss out on proteins
this way). So much for our "lodgemates".
Today both the headman of the next village, Kasakalawe, and Heinz
Bücher visited our Camp.
The Headman is going to show us around town on Sunday. I am very exited!
Heinz Bücher is a Swiss recreational researcher. He knows the lake
like no one else. Very interesting character. He will be cruising the
lake with his 7 m boat for 6 weeks so we can hope to see him again
here at the Tanganyika lodge.
Its getting busy here¨!
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