Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

the waterfalls

eventure falls

On Sunday the divers had their "dry day" (for me and Markus right now
every day is dry day...). As we got invited by the Danes of the
eventure camp to visit their waterfall we went over to Katoto again
and while the others went up on an exhausting hike to this waterfall I
stayed behind and slept in a hammock on the terrasse. They want to
rename the falls "eventure falls" after they bought it from the chief
(kind of the head of the tribe their, he owns all the land) for a red
Toyota. The falls were nice ( I was told). A a Danish tv crew was
joining them for the hike. They were visiting the project with a
famous Zambian-Danish singer that is giving money to the project.
Danish national television is broadcasting a show on here "roots".
Afterwards they had a volleyball match with the Danish camp.
Unfortunately the Danish won...


On Friday Markus and me went to Mbala to get a x-ray as I have some
lung issues. We travelled with the common transport option here: A
Toyota Minibus (8 seats) with 20 passengers and lots of stuff on the
roof. Its not really comfy but really quick! The Hospital was
surprisingly ok. And really cheap even if we choose the high cost
treatment. The xray was ready in 5 min. We were done after 2 hours!
That is faster then in europe! Impressive...They still only have 5
doctors there. Its strange how we met lots of foreign missionaries,
researchers, volonteers teachers but not one doctor or nurse yet.

mysterious fish

Some fischermen from the village next by sold us this fish. We now
keep it in a concret basin. We think it is a goldmorph of
Lepidolamprologus lemeri but we are happy to get other suggestions. It
was caught at 10 m depth (according to the fishermen). Any idea?